Ultrasound Transmission Coupling Gel/Ultrasound Conductive Gel

Capacity: 250ml, 5L etc
1) excellent sound conduction and high clear-cut vision
2) has not any broken and cauterization effect to the probe
3) is suit for the large-scale testing work,and there is not any stimulation and toxin hypersusceptibility effect to the skin.it is suit for any spot of human body.
4) Good ductibility.if you daub this product on your skin, there will be no mucosity and pollution to clothes and your skin will become lubricative and easy to wipe.
5) High quality stability .it can be stored to be valid under the normal temperature for 3 years.
ComponentFunction Structure and Effect
1) It is water macomolecular gel which is make up of clean water (90%),carbomer 940 (5%),sodium hydroxide(2%), triethanolamine(2%), antiseptic(0.5%), edible paint(0.5%), and tits appearance should be ransparent, flavourless, photic and cold all-water gel.
2) It is fulfilled or spreaded between probe radiating surface and scarfskin of human body during the process of un-inserting ultrasonic diagnosis and treatment.
1) sound velocity 1520~1620 m/s
2) sound impedance 1.5×106~1.7×106
3 sound attenuation ≥0.1 dB/(cm.MHz)
4) viscosity ≥15 Pa.s
5) Ph value 5.5~8.0
Safe Handling procedure:
* Keep it out of reach of children.
* While handling the chemicals, please wear safety clothing including protective gloves, PDS goggles and face protective guard.